product of the day.♥. Castor oil

Today’s product of the day is:
Castor Oil

So what is Castor Oil, and what does it do for hair?

Castor Oil is derived from the castor bean, and seeds of the castor plant. It has been used for decades as a laxative and as a skin softener.
It is also a treatment for muscle aches, and infections and inflammations .

castor oil has been used as beauty aid, for years it helps to soften and treat very rough, dry skin. it’s a vegetable based oil so it is ideal for skin and hair, it also makes a wonderful hot oil treatment for dry damaged hair.
castor oil works to coat the hair shaft and smooth the cuticle layer, seals in moisture and leaves your hair with a soft and silky feeling. It is more easily absorbed by the hair,

allowing for deeper penetration into the hair shaft.

as with any hot oil treatment, it is important to avoid overuse of Castor Oil, especially if you are prone to a oily scalp. I recommend not doing a hot oil treatment more then once a month, i do one maybe a few times a year, if that…

I only do it when my hair is board and needs a change, weekly moisturizing treatments should be used along side castor oil so you can get double the benefits.
the main thing I use my Castor oil for, is sealing my ends, i do this whenever i braid or twist my hair. castor oil helps to maintain your length and prevent split ends, this is why i am able to go so long with out constantly trimming, but again do what works for you=)
all of the Gucci samples have been mailed!!
you all didn’t waste anytime, everyone should get their Gucci samples
by the end of the week.
thanks again for participating in the contest,
have a blessed day!

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