I’ve got the Mondays… on a Thursday

January 14, 2010
I am feeling uber uninspired. I don’t know if it’s because work is slow this week, and I took Tuesday off for some interviews (went well), but I am just like eh. I also keep thinking it’s Monday, hence this post’s title.
And January is kinda an eh month, in general.
I was reading Body + Soul magazine at lunch yesterday (we get it here at the office for some reason), and there was an article about being stuck in a job you don’t like during tough economical times- i.e. me and i.e. now/the past 18 months. It said to work on your resume, explore creativities (is this a word? haha), be an entrepreneur… I am def doing that with La vie…J’aime, which I love, and this blog is a great outlet for me.
The article starts out with this quote from Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Thanks C- if only it were so easy!
The author interviews someone who is stuck in a job, and she said something that completely rang true for me, “I can’t even say I am good at what I do anymore because I am so lackluster and blah.” I couldn’t help but think- this is me. I don’t want it to be me! I am ambitious and a perfectionist and want to do my job well! Why is it that I’m stuck in this professional rut?
I know I’ve complained about my job before (and often, sorry). To perk myself up a bit, I am thinking of the coming weekend (Monday off and my friend from Syracuse is visiting) and making a donation to the earthquake relief in Haiti. This disaster really puts things in perspective, despite how much I think my life “sucks” at times.
Ok that’s my rant today. Donate, donate, donate.
More inspiring posts at La vie…J’aime will come your way soon.
Til then, bear with me, please šŸ™‚

Open letter to Brad Pitt

January 7, 2010
2009 via PopSugar
We interrupt your regularly rescheduled blog posts for this open letter to Brad Pitt.
Dear Brad,
What happened? The Beard (and yes this is capitalized because it has taken on a life of it’s own)? You used to be so handsome, smooth, and sexy. Remember these days?
2004 via US Weekly
Now you’re on the other side of 40, which are supposed to be your golden years, and you start them out with that monstrosity on your face? Please, we beg you, adhere to these 3 little words: shave. it. off. And bring us back to these good old days.
1994 Legends of the Fall via IMDB

Jaime and fellow Brad lovers (Jenny penny, I know you share this sentiment with me)