Fragrance Review: Parfum d’Empire Ambre Russe

January 13, 2010

Quick note: If you haven’t already, please consider donating to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Polish and perfume are great, but there are more important things in life, y’know?

So, I’ve had Ambre Russe for a while now. It was part of my amber binge way back in August (whoa, that was a while ago!) and I’ve just never felt like I got this scent enough to review it. With most perfume, I feel like I have enough of a handle on them to at least contribute a few thoughts, but Ambre Russe is such a big, hulking scent that it defies my attempts at description.

The best I can do is note that it’s a two parter, with the two halves roughly corresponding to: 1) Fancy Russian ball and 2) Gilded amber. Parfum d’Empire is a brand which produces scents that are meant to evoke a certain moment in time. Ambre Russe is the only scent I’ve tried from them so far, but as demonstrated by this one scent, their sense of detail is fantastic. While Ambre Russe is getting its party on, I really feel like I’m standing in the middle of an royal ball, smelling the different scents of the evening pile on top of each other. There is the booze, rounded and almost gooey. The tea, hot and strong. Expensive leather, smooth and buttery. And then the cumin and coriander, which lend a fetidness to the proceedings, as befits a large gathering of people. It’s such an intense whollop of scent, and to be honest, I’m not sure if it’s something I really want to smell like. But it is beautiful in its own way. And, there is delicious amber to be had later.

As great as the first half of Ambre Russe is, I love the second one more. It smells very different to me than the bustling party – it’s a great deal quieter and so is probably more dignified. When I said that this smells “gilded” I really meant it: this isn’t the sticky sap of the resin or rough chunks hewn from a tree. It’s smooth and polished, like an imperial gem, ready to be worn by a beautiful woman at a moment’s notice. It’s clear and glistening, with a purity that all of my other amber frags lack. It’s unbelievably gorgeous and if you love amber fragrances, you must try this.

Notes: Tea, Incense, Vodka, Champagne, Cumin, Coriander, Cinnamon, Ambergris, Vanilla, Leather.

You can purchase Ambre Russe from Luckyscent and Beautyhabit.