
December 27, 2009

I’m back from my snowboarding trip! Tons of snow, hot swedish snowboard teachers, unhealthy and yummy lunches on top of the mountain, hot chocolate with whipped cream, gossip with the girls, poker with the guys…It was a blast!

Berlin Fashionweek t-shirt, Zara cardigan, H&M pants, Nike sneakers

The last picture is a portrait of Arvida Bystrom and her friend. The leopard-print took me ages! I’m not sure if I like this one. It’s lacking something – maybe it needs more flashy colors? Some more outlining?
I hope everyone had an awesome christmas!


December 15, 2009

These are the Doc Martens I was telling you about! I’ve decided to keep them; the white ones get dirty easily and the bright pink ones are a bit too bright. Anyway, I still have to break these in (how long do you think it’ll take?)

I’m wearing a dress from H&M and Doc Martens boots

Only 3 more days until the break! And on friday, it’s party party party with some friends. Atm I have absolutely nothing to do. No tests. No homework. So chilled 🙂 I’m listening currently to The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, an amazing band.