The Style Lookout: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga known for her outlandish ensembles, over the top videos and performances is putting her stamp all over the fashion and entertainment industry. It seems that everyone has an opinion about Gaga and her style. Rather you love her or hate her you have an opinion and I believe that is Lady Gaga’s goal. She sometimes lives by the motto that less is more in terms of clothing and more is not enough in terms of accessories. Gaga is often photographed out and about in leotards in every color, style, and fabric imaginable accessorized with flamboyant hairstyles, hats, and shoes. Traces of Lady Gaga can been seen everywhere especially in the sudden comeback of bodysuits. Recently Lady Gaga collaborated with Beyoncé for the highly anticipated “Video Phone” remix video. Lady Gaga’s influence was quite apparent in Beyoncé’s wardrobe choices for the video. Beyoncé wore several Gaga inspired leotards and two piece dance costumes throughout the video. New York Magazine has named the phenomenon that is Lady Gaga “the Gaga Effect”. What do you think of the Lady “Gaga Effect”?

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