A few parting words…

I started The F a little over 2 years ago now to share my love of fashion and cheapness with the Universe… but posts have been dwindling as of late and I think it’s become apparent that I’m not going to be able to keep up.

Work and life are taking me in a new direction and I think I need to focus on that – time to move on. Wow! This is harder than I thought it would be! I’m going to miss my little blog so, so much. 😦

I just wanted to say thanks to all who read, shopped and played dress up with me. I still think it’s crazy anyone would listen to me or ask me for fashion advice, but it’s been a great lesson – it’s everyday chicas like you and me, that are definitively fierce. We make our own style from the things that we love and that is always HOT. Remember doll, your best accessory is your own personality and if anyone says otherwise, tell them to GET F’d!

Stay fab.


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