Swatches: Essie Sweet Time of the Year Collection

Today is the last day of break and unfortunately it’s pretty ugly outside. The sky is a sludgy gray color and the snow is melting in patches, revealing shades of sickly brown and green everywhere. The one good thing about all this is that it’s a lot warmer outside, so I dutifully trudged outside to take some swatches. The weather outside matches my feelings for Essie’s winter collection: I think it’s boring and a little depressing. I really don’t understand how Essie can be so awesome and then so blah.

Lollipop. Maraschino red. The texture of this is kind of interesting. It reminds me of a jelly polish but it’s more opaque than jellies usually are. I do like the way it makes my fingers pop. I just feel like every woman who wears nail polish already has this color in their wardrobe. They didn’t need to get this in their stocking.

Rock Candy. Milky pink. Ugh – this one could have been so cool if it had some sparkle in it. As it is, I think this is a sad little color. It has a strange gray undertone, like underwear that’s been washed too many times. I just can’t see this flattering anyone.

Mint Candy Apple. Spearmint. I’m divided on this. The actual color is gorgeous, but the polish itself is so streaky that it looks really crappy on the nail. Maybe you’ll have to double base coat to make this look decent. It’s a shame, as I really don’t have any other colors like this and it is stunning.

I hate being really negative but I know Essie has greatness in them and I feel disappointed that they didn’t tap into it for this collection. Luckily, the spring collection looks a lot more interesting, so hopefully they’ll redeem themselves with it.

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