Jahit Manik @ Beading Class

We provides a few programs of Jahit Manik Class.
  1. Individual and standard Jahit Manik Course
  2. Group Standard Jahit Manik Course within KL and Selangor
  3. Group Standard Jahit Manik Course outside KL and Selangor
  4. Group Introductory/short course Jahit Manik within KL and Selangor
Details are as below:
Individual and standard Jahit Manik Course
Kelas Jahitan Manik @ Beading Class is scheduled every weekend (Sunday and Saturday).
Venue: Good Year Court 1, USJ 6/1.
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Fees: RM120 per person
Participant: 5 students per-class
Tea and light meal will be provided.
Since this class is based on the demands of the students, there will be changes of schedule but i will try to make the class at least once in every week.
Group (minimum 15 students) standard Jahit Manik Course (Within KL and Selangor)
This course is upon requests, where the representatives have to provides the venue and participants.
Venue: Representative/participants arrangement
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Fees: RM90 per person (Min students 15 – 24)
Fees: RM75 per person (Min students 25 – 35)
Group (minimum 20 students) standard Jahit Manik Course (Outside KL and Selangor)
This course is upon requests, where the representatives have to provides the venue and participants.
Venue: Representative/participants arrangement
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Fees: RM100 per person (Min students 20 – 24)
Fees: RM85 per person (Min students 25 – 35)
Group (minimum 15 students) introductory/short course Jahit Manik Course (Within KL and Selangor)
This course is upon requests, where the representatives have to provides the venue and participants.
Venue: Representatives/participants arrangement
Time: 4 hours (can make arrangement on time)
Fees: RM25 per person (Min students 15 – 24)
Fees: RM20 per person (Min students 25 – 35)
Please make the payment 4 days before class begins for confirmation.
For those who are interested please give us your detail as below:
Contact No:
Your preferred date: (1)……………(2)……………….
Please email your details to our new email address : debeadscollection@gmail.com

Below are some of pics of our Jahit Manik @ Beading Class


Sample of Jahit Manik techniques for introductory/Short class


Introductory course at Putra Heights

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